
The Foundation is a Third Sector Institution with the aim of remembering Sergio Fugazza through his collections of postcards, documents, manuscripts and memorabilia collected in more than forty years of activity as a collector, preserving this heritage of great historical and cultural value and enhancing it with social development purposes.

The collection consists of approximately 4 thousand postcards dated between the 19th and the mid-20th century, several hundred paper documents, manuscripts, books and photographs attributable to Voghera and the surrounding area. This ensemble, which is in excellent conservation conditions, constitutes an important testimony to the transformation of the city in its recent history. The heritage is completed by some important collections of religious objects, holy cards, carvings and curiosities.

The Foundation’s activity is aimed at conserving and making the archive available to the scientific community and civil society for consultation and research activities, including in digital format. For this purpose, during 2023, the project of digitization and creation of the archive has been launched, through the (re)organization, systematization and cataloging of the material to make it available to the National Digital Library, in the context of the Plan National Digitalization.

The Foundation also collaborates with the institutions and counterparts of the Third Sector, contributing with its own assets and the resources that it will be able to mobilise, in programs and projects of social utility, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and with particular reference to valorisation of cultural heritage, the themes of quality education and inclusive economic growth through creativity and innovation.


Davide Fugazza, president
[email protected]
+39 338 2095516
+33 6 86 99 54 38
PEC [email protected]